myths about realtors

Myths about Realtors® that should go away. 

We're real estate agents too and many of our loan clients don't understand the value of a good agent.

People often believe a real estate agent is simply someone who knows about homes for sale in their area, hammers signs into front yard lawns, and makes a slew of money just showing up at an open house. A no-brainer, right?


Home ownership remains a goal for many couples. But what about the singles who dream of it as well?

According to Zillow, saving for a down payment is no walk in the park for future home buying couples, but an even more challenging prospect to singles, for whom it may take up to 11 years to save up for a down payment for a typical U.S. home (even longer in pricey markets). This is more than twice the time it takes a married or partnered couple.

Statistics show nationally that fewer than half (45 percent) of all U.S. homes are affordable for credit qualified single buyers. Couples, by contrast, could afford 82 percent of all homes. Banks are not allowed to discriminate based on marital status, but tighter lending standards can potentially pose a challenge to single buyers because they only have their own income to qualify for a loan.

buying home with no savings

Question: How bad is it to buy a house with little savings?

There are two aspects to this question. How does the loan side work?  How does the life side work?

From a lending standpoint, you typically on need two months reserves after the purchase. You can buy a home for as little as nothing down if you are a veteran, or 3% - 5% for a conventional loan. We offer a 2% down payment assistance for FHA loans reducing the total down payment to 1.50%. You’ll just have to be able to document the source of the down payment and closing costs. So you could use up every penny of your available cash with your purchase, and as far as the lender is concerned, you’d be okay.


Where should I start when buying a home? Should I look at homes or mortgage first.

"Hello, We're in the process of hopefully purchasing our first home, and I'm a little lost on everything that is going on. What's the best advice you would give to first-time home buyers?"

Mortgage First

Without question, your first step in the home buying process is to begin getting your financing in order. I realize this may seem like slightly self-serving advice since I am in the mortgage business, but the fact is that most people who buy homes today do so with a mortgage. That part is often the most challenging, with far more moving parts and potential snags than in years past.

Buy rental property

Question: When is it a good idea to buy a house to rent out to others (using them to pay off the mortgage) as an investment?

Real estate has historically been a good investment. This is because it can provide cash flow (in the case of rental income property) and appreciation. While some will correctly point out that homes after 2008 declined in value (some by a great deal), most areas have recovered and have returned to pre-crash values.

To your question: before investing in rental properties, you should have an excellent idea of what your expectations are. This includes the cash flow (which could be negative at times). Here is how you might go about doing that analysis.

down payment vs mortgage insurance

Is a 20% down payment standard? What's the deal on mortgage insurance?

A 20% down payment is anything but standard. Making a smaller down payment does involve some form of mortgage insurance (MI). This is a fee paid to limit the lender's risk when there is a lower down payment.

Conventional loans are available with as little as 3% down. The cost of the mortgage insurance depends on the borrower's credit score. Lenders will allow borrowers to drop the monthly MI once the loan-to-value ratio reaches 80%. They will typically require an appraisal (about $600) to show the value, and the loan should have been in good standing for at least the previous 12 months. Different lenders have different procedures, though, so it is worth making a call to them to get their specifics.